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For over 25 years, AtKisson Group has been a global leader in making sustainability happen. We are a professional network of firms, foundations, individual experts, and university centers of expertise. We offer advisory, training, research and communications services. Our clients include global companies, government agencies, large NGOs, and the United Nations. Our tools, analyses, and strategic advice have been put to use around the world. AtKisson Group has always been at the forefront of sustainability.
Special Event in Commemoration of the United Nations 70th Anniversary, 19 May 2015. UN Day English Speech Contest 2015 - Online Application Submission 14-18 September 2015.
Miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013. Martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013. LOS ESPACIOS Y SUS COMPARACIONES. Analizaremos la casa Curutchet, construida en Argentina, la casa doble de Stuttgart realizada en Alemania, y la Villa Saboya, esta ultima considerada la obra mas emblemática del arquitecto. Todas estas edificaciones se ca.
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Segunda ciudad preferida por los turistas. ARANJUEZ SE VUELCA CON HAITÍ. Coches de activistas de Colmenarejo, atacados ante la pasividad municipal.